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FINE CO., LTD will be reborn as a global leader
Environment Division
PUSHER TYPE Centrifuge
Fracture-free crystalline body washing-dehydrator
· Features
■ Extrusion Continous Discharge Type
1. Crystalline materials are not fractured
  - Crystalline materials are continuously extruded moving slowly over the cylindrical screen. Grain shapes are maintained when being recovered.
2. Exceptional washing performance
  - Rinse liquid is supplied directly to the crystalline materials immediately after dehydration. Since the detention time is long in addition to high washing performance, only the requisite minimum of rinse liquid can do the job.
3. Low mechanical attrition
  - Mechanical attrition is reduced due to the broad the filtration area to which a lower centrifugal force is applied.
· Applications
· Organic Chemicals, Food, Plastics (Salt, Sesame, Nylon Chip, High-polymer Resin, etc)
· Inorgatic Chemicals, Chemical Fertilizer, Metals, Pharmaceuticals (Ammouninum Sulfate, Sodium Sulfate, Amino Acid, etc)
· Separation-dehydration of a broad range of solid particles (≥0.1mm) of all different areas.
· Structure
· Process
① Feed material is supplied to the feed pipe connected to the accelerating hopper, to be distributed to the inner face of the basket "A".
② The surface water / moisture is removed by centrifugal filtration.
③ Solids remaining over the screen are conveyed gradually to the basket "B" by the function of the basket "A" which is performing a reciprocating movement, thus advancing the dehydration process further.
④ The impurity on the surfaces of solids can also be washed off efficiently by supplying the rinse liquid from the inside of the basket.
· Specifications and Dimensions
Model Capacity
Motor(kW) G-force
Main Hydraulic L W H
P250 1~2.5 5.5 2.2 600 700 1,750 900 1,000
P350 2~4 7.5 3.7 600 900 1,850 1,040 1,050
P450 4~8 15 7.5 600 1,800 2,200 1,300 1,330
P600 6~15 22 11 600 3,000 3,400 1,560 1,570
P800 8~20 45 18.5 600 4,000 3,600 1,850 1,920

#60, Hwajeonsandan 6-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea    TEL : +82-51-262-1237