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FINE CO., LTD will be reborn as a global leader
Environment Division
Other Centrifuge
Oil and chip separation of machine tools.

Purification of machining oil and chip separation of machining equipments relate to semiconductor..

Elimination of mud, sand, and other solids during drainage process.
① = Inlet    ② = Discharge Pipe    ③ = Sludged Oil    ④ = Cleaned Oil

⑤ = Solid Particles    ⑥ = Motor    ⑦ = Over Flow Pipe
Application Optional Devices
Pre treatment of polluted water disposal system
Collection of floating oil
Removal of floating impurities of the circulating cutting oil
Please attend to the oil that is impossibe to separate
The part which is solidified at nomal temperature
Clay material & oil ingredient of high specific gravity
· Specifications
1. Clean machining oil enhances product quality and productivity as it extends the life expectancy of equipments and tools, dramatically reduces the products's defect rateand makes the holding time short for restart.
2. The equipment makes the post-process of sludge very simple, as it solidifies to separates small particles like large amount of abrasives, glasses, carbon, aluminum, stainless steels, and ceramics that are not easily removable by magnetic separators and other filters.
3. There can be seen no defects from scratches during grinding.
4. Unlike paper filter, filter press or other filters, consumables are not required.
5. Properties of special oil do not change, there is a little waste of liquid oil and prevent aging from heat.
6. No extra feeding pumps are necessary when draining the fluid.
7. The separator lowers temperature of water-soluble liquid and prevents decay.
· Format and Specification
Model Capacity(ℓ/min) Inner volume( ℓ ) rpm Motor(Kw) Dimensions (mm) Weight(kg)
FIC-250 20∼60 3 2500 1.5 400×650×500 100
FIC-400 75~150 12 2000 3.7 650×1000×600 650×1000×600
· Capacity
Type / Flux(ℓ/min) 5 10 20 30 50 75 100 150
FIC-250 2 3 5 7 10 15 - -
FIC-400 1 1 2 3 5 7 10 30

#60, Hwajeonsandan 6-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea    TEL : +82-51-262-1237